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AI Laboratory > People > Aleksander Sadikov > Chess


Chess is a big time hobby of mine. I like it all: from serious games, active chess, blitz on the internet to the study of endgame compositions, problems and retrograde analysis. Chess programming? Of course, part of my PhD studies. Great way to bring together work and a hobby!

A bit of mathemathics involved in this problem taken from a great book by Dragoslav Andrić: "Igra miliuna", my first chess book. White is to move (yes, not Black!) and the question is: Can White win? If yes, how? If no, why not?

I love the clear idea behind this problem. It is White to move and mate in four. No question whether there is a win this time. Capturing the king in its bare essence!


Some chess links

Slovenian chess federation (if you are bored look for a tournament near you)
Free Internet Chess Server (download free software and play online for free; careful, it's addictive!)
The Week in Chess (TWIC)
ChessBase HomePage
ChessCafe Endgame Study (great new study every week)
Chess Equipment and Software (tested, I purchased a chess set #6)



Last updated on Wednesday, March 17, 2004.